E-Safety at Saltergate
At Saltergate we understand our responsibilities of protecting all our children and educating the whole school about our use of technology in reference to online safety and any e-safety issues.
The Department for Education states that the issues in online safety can be put into three areas of risk:
- Being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material;
- Being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users and finally;
- Personal online behaviours that increase the likelihood of, or causes harm.
As a school we have to make sure we use appropriate filters and monitoring systems in place to protect all the children in school. We have to consider the age range of all our pupils, the number of pupils and how often as a school we access the IT systems. We also make sure that all our members of staff regularly update their training on safeguarding as well as ensuring all the children are taught about online safety.
Our E-Safety Policy can be found on our Policies page. It aims to ensure that all pupils will:
- Use the Internet and other digital technologies to support, extend and enhance their learning.
- Develop an understanding of the uses, importance and limitations of the Internet and other digital technologies in the modern world including the need to avoid undesirable material.
- Develop a positive attitude to the Internet to the Internet and develop their ICT capability through independent and collaborative working.
- Use technologies safely.