Walk to School Day - October 2023

Last half term, we took part in the Zero Carbon Harrogate event - Walk to School Day! The wet weather didn't dampen our spirits - we were so proud of all of our families who parked a little further away, walked, cycled, or scooted to school this morning to help make a difference to the environment!
We welcomed Pete from Your Harrogate Radio, Zero Carbon Harrogate and of course - the star of the show - Harry Gator from Harrogate Town AFC and Harrogate Town AFC Community Foundation.
Keep an eye on the Your Harrogate website and listen out for our very own Mrs Hall's interview. We had some student interviews too - these will be used to promote the next Walk to School Day in December.
Thank you to everyone who joined us in getting absolutely soaked this morning - it was such a wonderful crowd and a fantastic way to start our Friday.