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  • Top of the Rocks

    Published 11/10/24

    Harrogate: Our First Competition 14th October to 25th October

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  • Ancient Greek clay vases!

    Published 11/10/24

    See what Year 4 have been getting up to.

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  • Reception Starters 2025 Open Day

    Published 10/10/24

    Reception Starters 2025 - Open Day

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  • Attendance Update

    Published 09/05/24


    As you may be aware, school attendance is currently a key focus for the Government and all schools are required to work to meet certain targets. With this in mind, I am writing to you about certain aspects of your children's attendance at Saltergate.


    We are encouraged to support pupils in attending school as regularly as possible, and to working with you as families to overcome any barriers to this. We recognise that some children face particular challenges, and we are committed to supporting all our pupils as appropriate. Some of you have already discussed concerns with your child's teacher or a member of our Senior Leadership Team, if you wish to talk with one of us then please contact the office for an appointment. We are going to increase communication with you regarding your child's attendance by sharing a termly update. This will begin with an attendance section in your child's report for the year and further updates will follow in the Autumn and Spring Terms. We hope that this will be helpful for you and your children.

    Absence Categories

    Your child’s attendance report will use categories as follows: Green – attendance is at or above 93%. This is the rate of attendance which schools are instructed to strive for. Amber – attendance is between 90% and 93% Red – attendance is below 90%

    Appointments during the school day

    One of the ways to improve your child's attendance is to ensure that you make their medical and dental appointments during the school holidays or outside the school day. This can also avoid disruption to your child's day, which can be quite unsettling for them.

    Medical Evidence

    If your child is too ill to attend school, schools must record these absences as authorised. It would be helpful if you could provide medical evidence for your child, as this enables us to explain the reason or exceptional circumstances for absence, to the Local Authority. Evidence does not need to be a letter from the GP, it can be an appointment card, a text confirming your child’s appointment or a prescription.

    Reminder of Start Times

    Discovery Learning - 8.50am

    YR, Y1 and Y2 - 8.50am

    Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 - 8.45am

    Thank you for supporting your children to attend school as regularly as possible. We are always happy to talk with you and to work with you and your children to try and overcome any barriers to school attendance.

    New guidance

    For your information, we have added a link to the new guidance that comes into effect in August 2024. Page 18 confirms that headteachers are no longer allowed to approve a holiday (the H code is being removed).

    New guidance is available here 

    Also, for your information, these are the new penalty rules:

    • First offence - £80 fine per child
    • Second offence - £160 fine per child
    • Third offence - Prosecution

    Please note that these are not set by the school; all the new guidance and rules are from the Department for Education and all schools will be instructed to follow these. 

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  • Academisation Consultation

    Published 04/03/24


    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Proposal to become an academy and join Red Kite Learning Trust

    I am writing to share a proposal from the Governing Body. The Governing Body of Saltergate Federation is proposing that our schools become academies in partnership with the Red Kite Learning Trust. Our Governing Body welcomes your questions and comments about this proposal to help inform its final decision.  This period of consultation and dialogue will commence on Thursday 29 February and end at the close of the day on Wednesday 14 March.

    What is an Academy?

    An academy is a state school, funded directly by central government, and joining an academy is known as ‘academisation.’ When schools such as ours become an academy, they gain some additional freedoms and responsibilities. Whilst historically, some schools have been forced to join academies to address low standards of learning and teaching, Saltergate by contrast, is a Federation of two good schools and this proposal is driven not by the Local Authority or government but by the Governing Body’s considered belief that students, teachers and support staff will benefit from collaboration with carefully selected schools which share our values and vision. Further details can be found in our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ here.

    Successful Collaboration

    Since December, our schools have been collaborating with other schools within the Red Kite Alliance. As part of this collaboration, we are benefitting from subject leaders sharing good practice and members of the Senior Leadership Team developing strategies to improve the progress of vulnerable groups and most recently, sharing ideas with staff in similar roles to enhance their own CPD. In turn, this is enabling our own staff to develop their teaching and leadership, which ultimately aids the successful development for many of our students. It will also empower them to encourage and motivate other members of staff within the school. Throughout this period, we have begun to benefit from this collaboration with Red Kite Alliance, whilst retaining our individual distinctiveness within the community, which remains of paramount importance to our schools. To start this consultation process, we would briefly summarise the reasons why we believe further collaboration will serve our students and staff so well.

    Why now?

    The Federation of our Infant and Junior schools has enabled collaborative and effective working throughout all year groups and has been beneficial to children and staff. We believe that the next  step for Saltergate is to embrace further opportunities for collaboration. Joining the Red Kite Learning Trust would give us the support that we need to move Saltergate forward and to be the best that we can be.

    Why join a Multi-Academy Trust?

    We believe that collaboration with the schools within Red Kite Learning Trust will further improve outcomes for students and staff. It will do this through drawing on a wide bank of expertise; creating further economies of scale and sharing resources to give our schools an even stronger, more resilient structure. This will in turn ensure that every student’s learning opportunities are maximised and that every member of staff has encouragement to grow professionally.

    Why Red Kite Learning Trust and not another Trust?

    We are happy to say that the Red Kite Learning Trust shares our vision and our values completely. It feels like a natural partner for Saltergate because of its commitment to the belief that every student is deserving of a nurturing and empowering education. Like us, it aims to bring about positive social change by equipping students for a rapidly changing world. By joining Red Kite Learning Trust, we would not be ‘taken over’ instead we would become an integral part of a ‘family of schools’ and our precious and distinctive vision and values will continue to be celebrated.  We already have a strong relationship with Rossett School and are keen to collaborate with other schools. The scale of Red Kite Learning Trust brings a wealth of opportunities for Saltergate, with 9 of its 14 schools being primaries. 

    Does this mean that Saltergate will lose out if it is no longer run by the Local Authority?

    There is a national move towards academy status for all schools and as a result some Local Authorities are vastly reducing and withdrawing support for education, meaning that the system of education in this country is increasingly school-led. As a consequence, we believe that schools in North Yorkshire are becoming increasingly isolated, often with little support, a greater sense of competition and a disproportionately large amount of time spent by leaders on tasks which would have previously been undertaken by the Local Authority. This all culminates in less time to focus on excellent teaching and learning. Academisation seeks to address this imbalance, re-establishing student outcomes as the top priority of partnered schools.


    In summary, the Governing Body believes that both the students and teachers will benefit from collaboration with Red Kite Learning Trust through shared vision and values, further strengthening the opportunities for our staff, all centred around maximising the outcomes of our children through educational excellence.

    What form will our consultation take?

    Our parents, staff and the extended community are being consulted as part of this process and we have put into place the following to enable this consultation to be as comprehensive as we can make it.  We want to listen to your views and to discuss any outstanding questions you may have. As a result we intend to offer the following opportunity to meet with the Chair of Governors, Kirsty Bull,  the Headteacher, Jo Hall, and the CEO of Red Kite Learning Trust, Richard Sheriff, to discuss your

    questions.  This meeting will be held on Monday 4 March at 5pm at Saltergate Schools in the KS1 hall.

    In addition, we invite you to send questions in advance of this meeting, using this email address We will try to address these questions during the meeting and will add information to the website for those who are unable to attend.

    Please visit the dedicated area of the Saltergate website where information with be added as appropriate. The consultation will close at the end of the day on 14 March 2024.

    What happens next?

    Our Full Governing Body will consider all feedback received prior to making a final decision about becoming an academy and partnering with Red Kite Learning Trust. Should the proposal proceed, it is anticipated that Saltergate would convert to academy status on or after 1 July 2024. Should the proposal not proceed, Saltergate will remain a maintained school.  For more information about our proposed conversion please visit the dedicated section of our website.

    For more information, please visit our Academisation Consultation Page.

    Kind Regards,

    Kirsty Bull

    Chair of Governors, Saltergate Schools

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  • Useful links for over school holidays

    Published 22/12/23
    Here are some useful links for over school holidays: NSPCC We're the UK's leading children’s charity. We’ve been looking out for children for over 130 years – and we couldn’t do it without you. NSPCC | The UK
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  • Saltergate Kids Club gets Good Ofsted rating

    Published 11/12/23

    In November, Ofsted visited the Kids Club here at Saltergate, our wraparound care for Reception to Year 6.

    Ofsted have praised the setting highly and awarded a 'Good' rating once again.

    'Staff are very attentive and have quality interactions with the children. There is a busy and happy atmosphere as children play games together. Children enjoy being creative. For instance, they carefully create flags, draw or print using various fruits and vegetables. Children's artwork is celebrated and displayed within the room, creating a sense of achievement and belonging.'

    Ofsted November 2023

    Ofsted were particularly delighted with the relationship Kids Club have with parents as well as the children.

    Parents comment that staff are very approachable, friendly and that they feel fully informed about their children's time at the club. They say their children are always happy, want to attend and settle quickly. Parents say they are grateful for the service provided and feel reassured their children are in safe hands.

    The provider and staff regularly evaluate the care they provide. They seek regular feedback from parents and children. Staff use this information to make well-considered changes to the resources and activities they provide. This ensures that the club continues to meet the changing needs and interests of all children.

    Ofsted November 2023

    Sally Wray, Manager of Kids Club, is delighted with the result.

    We are ecstatic to have been awarded a Good grade once again. I am so proud of all of our team and our children - we have a brilliant wraparound care setting for our families, and we will continue to work together to ensure the highest of standards are maintained.

    Mrs Sally Wray, Manager and DSL


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  • FOSS Christmas Fair at Saltergate

    Published 04/12/23

    Our Christmas Fair on Saturday was fantastic! 

    We were so pleased to see so many of our wonderful community there to support us. 

    The stalls were imaginative and always busy, food was flowing and Christmas tunes coming from every area of the fair! It certainly put us all in the festive mood.

    Thank you to our amazing FOSS - Friends of Saltergate School Team. You have outdone yourselves yet again!

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  • A thousand trees!

    Published 22/11/23

    This week we celebrated planting our 1000th tree in our fabulous grounds here at Saltergate since 2022.

    Our fantastic students, staff, parents and volunteers have planted an incredible 1,030 saplings around the school’s perimeter, which will in time grow into a wonderful ‘mini forest’ and hedgerow wilderness.  These areas are vitally important for creating habitats for a variety of wildlife, increasing biodiversity, along with helping to capture pollution.

    Our teacher, Mrs Jess Lovatt who took a lead on this project, has said: “Our pupils are passionate about helping the environment and were enthusiastic about getting involved. This project has also been fantastic in not only boosting nature and wildlife on our already very green site, but for the health and wellbeing of the students involved.”

    Headteacher, Mrs Hall, has praised the efforts of staff and children, adding “It has also been a lovely way for children to leave a lasting legacy at the school. We look forward to the children of Saltergate learning about all the trees and hedgerows we have planted, and seeing the changes across our school site as the years go by. We have thoroughly enjoyed this project and are so grateful for the opportunity for our students to connect with the nature around them here at Saltergate.”

    We would like to say a special thanks to the Woodland Trust, Orchards for Schools-Tree Council and Yorkshire Gardens Trust, whose generous donations have allowed us to reach this milestone.

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  • Verity Frearson Estate Agents

    Published 14/11/23

    From Verity Frearson:

    The festive season is just around the corner and we’re inviting local children to take part in our exciting Christmas challenge with the chance of winning a £100 Amazon voucher for themselves and £500 for their school! ⛄🎁

    We're calling all 4-11 year olds to showcase their artistic skills and create a design for a Verity Frearson Christmas card.

    Creative Tips:
    🖍Children should create a coloured design on a piece of white A4 paper (either portrait or landscape).
    🖍Colouring pencils, paint, crayons and felt tips may be used, but please do not stick added material onto the entry.
    🖍Although not essential, anything relating to Verity Frearson or houses would be great!

    You can either email your entry to with your name, age, school & contact details or drop your design into our office at Tudor House, 26 Albert Street, Harrogate, HG1 1JT.

    Entries close on Friday 1st December at 9am.

    We will choose our five favourites who will ALL receive a £100 Amazon Voucher for the child who drew it.

    These 5 designs will be shared on our social media pages and the design with the most likes (by midday on Monday 11th December) will win £500 for that child’s school.

    The winning design will be featured as part of our Christmas marketing campaign, on our social media channels and displayed in our Harrogate Showroom with the winner's name, age and school included.


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  • Walk to School Day - October 2023

    Published 09/11/23

    Last half term, we took part in the Zero Carbon Harrogate event - Walk to School Day! The wet weather didn't dampen our spirits - we were so proud of all of our families who parked a little further away, walked, cycled, or scooted to school this morning to help make a difference to the environment!

    We welcomed Pete from Your Harrogate Radio, Zero Carbon Harrogate and of course - the star of the show - Harry Gator from Harrogate Town AFC and Harrogate Town AFC Community Foundation.

    Keep an eye on the Your Harrogate website and listen out for our very own Mrs Hall's interview. We had some student interviews too - these will be used to promote the next Walk to School Day in December.

    Thank you to everyone who joined us in getting absolutely soaked this morning - it was such a wonderful crowd and a fantastic way to start our Friday.

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